Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bowling for Columbine

After watching bowling with Columbine I now realize more than ever that America has a serious problem with guns. There are many different beliefs as to what actually causes these problems. People blame sources such as Gun Laws, the 2nd amendment, and media.

Gun laws in the United States are put in place to regulate the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition. However, maybe that is not enough. Carrying a concealed handgun in public is permitted in all 50 states. Gun laws though, vary by state. Some states do not even require a state permit for purchasing, allowing whoever wants to buy a gun. Other states are much stricter and require state permits, concealed to carry permits, firearm registrations, and extensive background checks. Some stores now have a limitation of how much ammunition you can buy. But is all that enough with the gun crime rate still soaring in the United States?

The 2nd Amendment's "right of the people to keep and bear arms" purposes a diverse conflict within America. Our forefathers made it a right for us to legally have and carry guns so that our nation does not become too powerful and overexert its right of control on the people. Those against the Amendment say most violent crimes are committed with guns; thus, restricting gun ownership will likely reduce the number of such crimes. But arguably enough, those for the right to bear arms say criminals will always find a way to obtain their guns, leaving law-abiding citizens without any weapons to use in defense if guns become illegal for citizens to own. Many citizens feel like Obama is overstepping his boundaries in his latest two executive orders for new gun control laws. Not only is he violating our 2nd amendment to bear arms but under 4th amendment it is stated that “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” According to Obama’s newest unconstitutionally enacted law, health care professionals now have to violate HIPPA privacy laws and submit medical data to the government.  They then will use the illegally obtained data as justification for gun confiscation by the federal government.

A large amount of blame is placed on media for gun violence. Today’s video games, television shows, movies, and magazines all contain a large amount of violence. Parents say that they are sending subliminal messages to their children. Subliminal messages such as: violence is heroic, or leading them to believe that killing is a game. According to the Center for Media Education, by the time children complete elementary school, they will witness more than 100,000 acts of violence on television, including 8,000 murders. These numbers double to 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 murders by the time they complete high school. Exposure to gun violence can traumatize children and youth not just physically, but emotionally as well. Exposure rates such as these are believed to be a cause of children’s aggressiveness and school shootings.

Do guns kill people or do people kill people? I semi believe in the 2nd amendment. We as Americans should exercise our right to bear arms. But what type of firepower is really appropriate for the average American trying to protect himself? Certainly not things like assault rifles, such as the M-16. I believe that people kill people mostly because: guns don't kill people just like pencils do not misspell the words on your paper. Guns cannot load themselves with deadly bullets. Guns cannot aim their barrel at a target and pull their own triggers. People do the actual killing; guns just make it so much easier.

We as Americans need to start taking measures to make our schools and streets safer for our children. Parents cannot always control what children are exposed to outside of the home, so they need to take more action at home such as not allowing violent video games or movies and blocking certain television channels. President Obama has introduced a four step common sense plan that includes: Closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons, making schools safer and increasing access to mental health services.

The future of America’s right to bear arms doesn’t look so bright. I believe that catastrophic shooting massacres will continue to happen until our society feels so unsafe that we will run straight into the direction of where our government wants us. To make guns illegal for ordinary citizens.
Work Cited:
4. ed.gov