Monday, April 25, 2016


In my opinion, the nation lost its innocence long before the assassination of President Kennedy. I think that it was just the first time the Americans realized it because they were just too innocent minded and blind to it before. I feel that leaders of our government and military have been controlling things behind a curtain since the beginning of time. The assassination of Kennedy hurt the American people. It filled citizens with fear and guilt even though it was not their fault. Their visions for peace and understanding had been taken away from them along with their beloved leader. The nation had such a bright future with President Kennedy that without him the future of our nation seemed doomed. People began rioting to end the Vietnam War and with all the chaos and assassination of great people working for peace, the United States is viewed as out of control by the rest of the world. What was once viewed as a great nation that was desirable to live in was now unrecognizable. The American dream was never to be the government’s puppets. People no longer felt safe in their home country and were extremely skeptic of the people they had once trusted to run this country and keep them safe.

I think that 9/11 was extremely like JFK’s assassination. I think that it was just another plot planned by the government to instill Americans with fear in attempt to keep us in control. I don’t think that the Americans blamed themselves for 9/11 like they did for Kennedy being killed because the people held responsible weren’t citizens of the United States like Oswald. The blame was put on members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. If you think about it there are pretty much conspiracy theories for every devastating event that happens in the United States that point some pretty serious fingers at the government. The government gets away with it of course because they always have someone to pin it on. Our government will never get caught or admit guilt because it’s just too hard to prove. There are too many cover-ups and lies and tracks that are impossible to trace. The government has their ways of maintaining balance in the country and they think that it’s not wrong what they are doing because they convince themselves it’s in the best interest of the people and the country.

I don’t believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy’s killer. I believe that he was completely set up by our government from the beginning. There is too much evidence pointing away from him for it to even be possible. I think that Kennedy was killed because he wanted to stop the war. The war is such a large industry that it would have been huge to put an end to it. There’s proof that it was more than one gunman who was responsible so it doesn’t make sense how the Warren commission could blame Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone gunman. There are a million different theories about who killed him, tons of different groups even from different governments, but I think that our own government is to blame. Oswald was just an easy target to pin the whole thing on. I also think they had Ruby set up to kill Oswald and then they killed Ruby off so there’s no tracks left after they’re both gone. Their hands are cleaned and the American people have their peace of mind having someone to blame.

I don’t think it was a coincidence at all that Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were also assassinated. All three men shared the similar goal of not becoming too deeply involved in the Vietnam War and for it they were killed. They were all promoters of peace that rallied the American people. Their beliefs and goals were so similar and they affected such a wide audience it’s no wonder the government had to take all of them down.  Robert running for presidency was a huge threat to the government and elite because of his determination to reopen his brother’s death and end the Vietnam War. He was threatened to drop out of the race or he would be killed but he didn’t because he didn’t think the government could get away with two Kennedy’s, but clearly he was wrong. King also received threats and kept speaking otherwise and he too was killed for it. I also didn’t think the government would do it because it brings so much more suspicion after all of the conspiracy theories about the first assassination, it makes it pretty obvious. But then again, maybe that was their goal, the fear, if people could see how much power they really have, enough to kill the most important men in the nation, what else they could be capable of doing to us average citizens.  Our nation was founded of freedom and trust but now runs on fear and power.


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