Welfare discourages employment.
Welfare can get people back on their feet and motivate them do get a
job and do better for themselves.
Welfare in a child’s life teaches them to be lazy.
More cash welfare early in a child’s life improves the child’s income
in adulthood.
Handouts will make people lazy.
Welfare can help people get the extra boost they need to get their
lives together.
Welfare has no effect on a child’s nutrition status
Welfare can improve a child’s nutritional status.
Welfare will make kids lazy and not get an education to support them.
Welfare can improve a child’s educational attainment.
People on welfare cause everyone to pay more taxes to pay for their
free health care.
Welfare can improve a person’s life length due to availability of
medical attention and vaccines.
Democrats are known to support welfare.
Bill Clinton does not support welfare.
People on welfare use the money irresponsibly to buy alcohol and junk
Most people on welfare use the money responsibly to survive to feed
themselves and their families.
I agree strongly with welfare to some extent. Welfare is a necessary part
of our economy. Without it people would be unable to afford the proper food and
medical care they need to survive. Most people have the same views as Clinton.
Clinton thinks that welfare is an excuse for people to be lazy. He along with many
other people assume that people on welfare are unmotivated and are just getting
away with milking tax dollars so they don’t have to get a job. Of course this
may be true for some people on welfare, but those who desperately need it
cannot be stereotyped with the ones who abuse it. Clinton thinks that people
should be given 5 years of government assistance to get back on their feet and
then it should be taken away. While I agree with this to some extent, it wouldn’t
be fair for every case. In the situation of a single mother trying to take care
of her 4 children by herself, she could work all day just trying to make ends
meet, and it still might not be enough to keep food in the fridge. I think that
It’s important that we look at more than one side when talking about taking
away things that are keeping so many people alive.