Thursday, October 22, 2015


Welfare discourages employment.
Welfare can get people back on their feet and motivate them do get a job and do better for themselves.
Welfare in a child’s life teaches them to be lazy.
More cash welfare early in a child’s life improves the child’s income in adulthood.
Handouts will make people lazy.
Welfare can help people get the extra boost they need to get their lives together.
Welfare has no effect on a child’s nutrition status
Welfare can improve a child’s nutritional status.
Welfare will make kids lazy and not get an education to support them.
Welfare can improve a child’s educational attainment.
People on welfare cause everyone to pay more taxes to pay for their free health care.
Welfare can improve a person’s life length due to availability of medical attention and vaccines.
Democrats are known to support welfare.
Bill Clinton does not support welfare.
People on welfare use the money irresponsibly to buy alcohol and junk food.
Most people on welfare use the money responsibly to survive to feed themselves and their families.


 I agree strongly with welfare to some extent. Welfare is a necessary part of our economy. Without it people would be unable to afford the proper food and medical care they need to survive. Most people have the same views as Clinton. Clinton thinks that welfare is an excuse for people to be lazy. He along with many other people assume that people on welfare are unmotivated and are just getting away with milking tax dollars so they don’t have to get a job. Of course this may be true for some people on welfare, but those who desperately need it cannot be stereotyped with the ones who abuse it. Clinton thinks that people should be given 5 years of government assistance to get back on their feet and then it should be taken away. While I agree with this to some extent, it wouldn’t be fair for every case. In the situation of a single mother trying to take care of her 4 children by herself, she could work all day just trying to make ends meet, and it still might not be enough to keep food in the fridge. I think that It’s important that we look at more than one side when talking about taking away things that are keeping so many people alive.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“Society knows perfectly well how to kill a man and has methods more subtle than death.”-Andre Gide

Often we conceive death as someone physically no pulse, not breathing, dead. That is not necessarily true. There are several ways to ‘kill’ people. Sometimes it’s with the things we say; words can hurt a person just as much as physical abuse. Saying things that personally make someone feel attacked or unworthy can leave deep internal wounds. “If you kill a man’s sprit, you just as well kill the man.” We sometimes don’t realize how big of an impact the things we say can have on someone. While the pain we’re causing isn’t physical, it can sit deep inside of them long after the words are said. People carry the words with them everywhere they go, letting it haunt them, every time they look in the mirror, it’s not their reflection they see anymore, but the words and the names. Eventually the mental torture wears down on people and they begin to start believing the things themselves. They become a more quiet, shy, nervous, depressed, shell of a human that they used to be. The words slowly driving them crazy, leading them to do things they never thought they would. They’ll find a way to ease the pain, often times inflicting pain upon themselves, making their outside hurt just to take a little away from the pain their feeling inside.  We make people feel like outcasts. We tell them they are not welcome or good enough to be a part of what we have. They no longer get to feel like they are a part of society or that their existence is not valid. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way you made them feel.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Same Sex Marriage Amendment

               If I could propose the next Amendment to the constitution, I would propose an amendment allowing same sex marriage. Same sex marriage has been becoming a bigger controversial issue in the United States. Gay couples and their supporters have been fighting for their right to marry for many years now. A major victory for them was the recent passing of the law by congress allowing gay marriage nationwide. Still, there are many loopholes, some states still do not allow it, making it complicated for couples to get married, because they have to appeal to a higher power, and even then, sometimes when they are married the states they live in don’t recognize their marriage as legitimate. Personally, I believe our treatment of same sex couples in the United States is unjust. While their amount of supporters is growing all the time, some people still disagree with it. We all need to accept that our culture in changing all the time and eventually they will have all the rights as traditional opposite sex couples anyway, we may as well embrace this change now.