Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Same Sex Marriage Amendment

               If I could propose the next Amendment to the constitution, I would propose an amendment allowing same sex marriage. Same sex marriage has been becoming a bigger controversial issue in the United States. Gay couples and their supporters have been fighting for their right to marry for many years now. A major victory for them was the recent passing of the law by congress allowing gay marriage nationwide. Still, there are many loopholes, some states still do not allow it, making it complicated for couples to get married, because they have to appeal to a higher power, and even then, sometimes when they are married the states they live in don’t recognize their marriage as legitimate. Personally, I believe our treatment of same sex couples in the United States is unjust. While their amount of supporters is growing all the time, some people still disagree with it. We all need to accept that our culture in changing all the time and eventually they will have all the rights as traditional opposite sex couples anyway, we may as well embrace this change now.


  1. I agree with Wendy that we should add an amendment on same sex marriage. It is happening already in the country so why not have it legal. I vote to have it legal.

  2. I agree with this fully and that. this is something people have been arguing about for ages. I believe that this should be put in with all the other amendments. this topic is very dear to some people and I think that if someone really wants to marry the same sex they should.

  3. I disagree with this very strongly. The way I was raised was that same sex relations, or even marrying another person of the same sex, was wrong. And it clearly states in the bible, that same sex relations is not acceptable. Those are my beliefs.

  4. I disagree with this because I don't believe that god made people gay. I feel that being gay is a choice and if it is not legal to be gay then try to find a way to be straight. People need to be patient in finding a spouse of the opposite sex their really is somebody out there for everyone and some people may become gay just because they think they are not going to find anyone of the opposite sex to be with. I disagree on this matter mainly because I believe people should be able to find someone of the opposite sex to make them happy and content in their life.

  5. I agree with you Wendy.... Whatever makes these people happy, who are we to judge. If it makes them happy and sets a person equal like we are meant to be. Let a person live free.

  6. I strongly agree with your amendment. I agree with your point of how there are loopholes that try to stop gay marriage and I also do not approve of it. I also agree with the fact that the treatment of homosexuals is not acceptable. I vote to legalize it.
