Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Letter to Piggys Aunt

Dear Aunt,
            I know you're probably wondering where I am, I sort of am too. Our plane crashed on an island but there's no inhabitants but us. The day we went down I was wandering through some creepers trying to figure out where I was and find another living person when I heard a loud sound, I didn't recognize it but in hopes of finding another person I ran toward it, it turns out it was a guy named Ralph. He's a real leader type, calls most of the shots around here. When I came upon him at the beach after following the sound, it turned out that there were others who survived too, a whole handful of us, all different ages. Us older kids have to really look out for the younger ones. Between the four of us there's a lot of disagreeing. Ralph is the oldest so he's our leader, he comes off as a little cocky and insensitive, but that's just the way he is. Another one is Jack, he tries really hard to be brave, but sometimes its too much for him. Like the other day, he had an opportunity to kill a pig so we could all have something to eat, and he chickened out. Then there's Simon, he's more of the deep thinking type. He has this theory that we all have a 'beast' inside of us somewhere.
            We are all really tired and hungry out here. Thankfully the weather has treated us alright because we don't have a shelter yet. We haven't gotten much done because we cant agree on anything. Half of us want to build a shelter first, and the other half want to hunt and get food first, food and shelter are necessary for survival, and if we cant agree, we won't survive. That's not the only issue that tears us apart, Ralph has all sorts of rules. One of his rules is when were all together discussing things only the person with the conch can speak, unless of course you're Ralph. Some of us don't follow this rule or agree with the other many, many that people suggest during meetings. Some want no rules at all. We're kind or forming into groups based on our opinion of what would work best for all of us to survive. The shelter builders, the hunters, the rule makers, and the rule breakers.

            One of the good things about this island is its vegetation. The island is thick with creepers and fruit trees. There's these large vines that hang from all of the trees. At night they scare the little kids who call them "beasties", or course our hunters ensure them that they will kill the beasties.

          If we don't get found soon I'm scared of what beasts we will turn into.

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